Today was our church's last Sunday. I'm pretty emotional about it. This is really the only church Derek and I have ever attended together. It's the only church Oliver's ever known.
We came to New City, which was Soma at the time, as children - newly married, newly returned to America - we came riding on some pretty tough failures. We were hurting, fumbling, needing healing in ways I don't think I even realized at the time. This church has been family. It has taken us in, grown us, taught us. There was never any judgment not from anyone. No matter how many times I shared those failures that I carried with so much guilt, no one ever condemned. They just LOVED. They just welcomed. They spoke Jesus and they spoke healing. We have been challenged to seek Christ more, to love others more, to pursue knowledge and holiness. This body has strengthened our marriage, supported us as we started our family, prayed for our son before he was born, and every day since. They have stood by us though our struggles - they have advised, challenged, listened, prayed, and hugged. For these things, I am eternally grateful. The impact they have made is beyond what the talent of my words could express.
This is what the church is supposed to look like, guys, and this body does it so well. When we came here four years ago, I was a mess. We've changed a lot in 4 years we've moved twice, changed jobs, we're parents now - I'd like to say we've matured (maybe). There've been changes for the better and for the worse, but it's because of this body, and its people, I'm a bit less of a mess. It's going to be hard to find a family like this again. It might be impossible.
I firmly believe that God has a plan for every, single person who has sat in the chairs at this church. Our time together has been a moment, a glimpse of God's Story. God is here, in triumph and in glory and He is calling all of us out into the midst of it. Maybe for some, the closing of these doors is the last push they need to walk the path God is leading them down, perhaps a path they have been scared, or nervous to follow.
New City has been a stepping stone for us. It has held us up, balanced us, offered a solid surface beneath our feet. But it is only a way point. And God is moving us on. Maybe, He has things for us we have not even thought of yet, maybe He wants us to bring the love, and grace, and discipleship that we have found here, and show it to others who desperately need it. Whatever His plan is, I am firmly beliving it is the best road we can walk down.
New City will always be part of my story. It will always have a place in my heart. And I will always love the family I have found here. I hope they realize the instrumental effect they have had on my life.
We are all still the church, whether God leads us together or separate, we will always be family.