Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Use everything

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I have not a single bit of talent left, and I could say 'I used everything You gave me'". 
     - Erma Bombeck 

Take a look around you. What are you doing with your life? Are you using every bit of everything God gives you? If not, why not? What's holding you back? Are you afraid? Ashamed? Insecure? Are you too comfortable where you are? Are you too scarred? Too convinced you're too broken? Are you too set in your routine? Too focused on your responsibilities? Too stressed? Too burned out? Too young? Too old? Too poor? Too weak? Too immature? Too wise to waste your time? 

You're not. 

You didn't ask for your talents. You didn't pick them. You're born with them. They're not always what you want them to be, and we are all too ready to compare them to someone - everyone - else's. We are all too ready to find the flaws. The excuses. The reasons to cast them away. Ignored. Or maybe used, but as hobbies. Always convincing ourselves and those around us that it could never amount to anything 'real'. 

Here's a secret. God gave you your talents. He handpicked them specifically because He thinks you are worthy of them. (stop and think about that a minute. GOD THINKS YOU CAN DO INCREDIBLE THINGS!) He wants you to USE them. Not halfway, not half-heartedly. He wants you to use them up. Scrape the bowl, lick the spoon, and come begging for more. 

Sure, there's probably someone out there who's better, more suited, more equipped more...everything. It doesn't matter. Do it anyway. GO anyway. Take the dreams God gave you and follow them till you've exhausted every resource. Then, follow them farther. What greater insult to the God of the Universe than to waste the talent He so graciously gave you. And here's the best part: you can't fail. You cannot fall short. You can climb as high as your limbs will take you. He wants to see you chase your dreams. He wants to see you reach further and further, to grander and grander things.

What do you want? 

Do you want to be content? Comfortable? Safe? Bored your whole life? 

Or do you want to see just how far you can go, before you have nothing left to use? 

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