Monday, July 8, 2013

What good is it doing?

What's keeping you from being happy? From letting go? Relaxing? Resting in the shadow of Christ? What are you stressing about? Money? School? Your job? Your husband's job? The kids? The car? Is it helping? To stress? 

I stress so badly. I have very physical reactions to stress. I make myself sick, I waste away all my energy, I get dizzy spells and migraines and vomiting, all because of worry over things that are out of my control. Most of which I have no reason to be worried about. 

My stressing to the point of illness is not solving any of the problems I am stressing about. Fainting spells are not going make me work harder, and make more money so I don't have to worry about bills every month. Exhausting myself with anxiety is not going to help me find more time to spend cleaning the house and doing to books and all the other things I never have time to do. Stress is not a good study aid. It won't help you raise good kids with good morals. It's not going to get your car fixed, patch the leak in your roof, and make dinner for your family. So why let it control you? 

Here's a question: do you believe in the sovereignty of God? I like to say I do. I love to give other people advice like 'trust in God'; 'you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you'; 'God says He knows the plans that He has for you'; 'all thing work together for good, you know'. I have trouble taking this advice myself. 

I'm an over achiever. I like to have control. I like to handle things myself, and i deliberately avoid situations I know I can't control. Despite all my hard work to run my life smoothly: things go wrong. The unforeseeable happens, and i don't have the tools to get through it. I struggle along on my own for a while. Trying to rig up a solution with the things I have on hand, just fix it enough to keep bumbling along for a while. Till the next thing breaks down, and I'm even more tired, and it gets harder and harder to keep going. Keep making it. 

This is when I *choose* to turn to God. All of a sudden I start spouting demands and reminding Him that He's supposed to be taking care of me. He promised; it's His job. So where is He now? Can't He see I need Him? Isn't He all powerful? Can't He fix this? 

You don't get it both ways. You don't get to worry AND trust. If you expect miracles from the omnipotent, stop stressing and trying to control within the finite realm of your humanity. Let God be God. Put your life in His hands, and step back. But you can't give Him half of it. And you can't keep trying to take it back. 

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